what can you object to in a deposition

Deposition Objections Cheat Sail + Comprehensive FAQs

This page is a crook canvas to Deposition Objections and that answers those terrible questions that tend to pop up in the eye of the degradation.

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Deposition Objections

The Rules And Procedures Decision-making Depositions Are Neither Technical Nor Circuitous.

Yet many lawyers either don't understand these rules. And many lawyers who do empathize the rules of the game are quick to take advantage of an adversary who does not.

This page is a cheat sheet that answers those terrible questions that tend to pop up in the middle of the degradation.

For the experienced attorney who may not need to review the entire commodity, I have put together a pdf checklist that you lot can download here.

Staying fresh and ready on the rules of the deposition outside of the deposition room will enable you to focus more attention on getting information from the witness while in the Court.

Is A Deposition But A Sworn Argument?

A Deposition is but a compulsory sworn argument (by subpoena or Court Order), reduced to writing. Depositions are  taken as office of the discovery process.  Depositions are often taken near the end of the discovery procedure, when the attorney has the benefit of document disclosure and interrogatories to help prepare for the witnesses deposition.

The compulsory nature of a deposition means the witness does non have a choice in the matter.  Every jurisdiction has rules that spell out the how and when the deposition will have place.

A simple sworn statement, on the other mitt, is not compulsory.  Y'all are getting the witness to talk to you, outside of the confines of the rules of the Courtroom.  Recollect a witness interview where you just happen to have a court reporter forth to notate the facts. Dissimilar a deposition, all you need is a willing witness and a courtroom reporter to take an oral deposition argument.

Is The Deposition Gear up Correctly?

For the Deposition to be proper, make certain that:

1.  The Witness is under subpoena

2.  The other side has been given reasonable written notice.  The Notice for the degradation must accept 1. the time, two. the place, and iii. The proper noun and address of the person being deposed if know. Be sure to cheque your jurisdiction for local rules on what is reasonable find and how y'all demand to go nearly scheduling matters with opposing counsel, and

3.  There is  a courtroom reporter to swear the witness under oath and reduce the oral testimony to writing.

Although formality aside, the parties could technically stipulate to the removal of the courtroom reporter. And fifty-fifty the admissibility of the degradation absent the witness being sworn. Stipulations, however, take ii to tango.

Who Can Attend The Deposition?

In ceremonious cases, everyone can come.

Absent a protective club from the Court, experts, tertiary parties, and fifty-fifty other witnesses can attend a deposition. Deposition is a civil process with open proceedings, just like trial.  They are not, by default, closed to the public.

Virtually jurisdictions accept more restrictive rules in Criminal Depositions. For example, Florida does not let the criminal defendant to nourish a deposition without permission from the Courtroom.

"Any Third Party Can Nourish A Civil Deposition, Fifty-fifty Potential Witnesses, Absent A Court Gild Or Stipulated Agreement To The Opposite."

All the same, unlike a trial, you cannot simply "invoke the rule" of sequestration to proceed a witness out of the room.

Of class, virtually depositions take place in individual offices or conference rooms. Therefore, most outsiders could be kept out of the deposition past the owner of the conference room. If a third political party comes to a degradation, the chaser needs to await strategically at the state of affairs.

The chaser could terminate the degradation and seek a protective order from the Judge.

Alternatively, the attorney could announce on the tape that the 3rd party witness is sitting in on the degradation, and use information technology to impeach both the deposition witness and the third party witness.

Too, if the 3rd party attending the deposition is a newspaper reporter, the uncomfortablenes that the reporter makes the witness feel could be used to great tactical advantage.

Can I Depose A Witness Over The Phone?

However, you volition need to have a notary or a courtroom reporter that is in the room with the witness.

That means if the courtroom reporter is with you (and not in the remote location with the witness), then your witness will need to have a notary available to swear them in. According to the National Court Report Association only 18 states take whatever rules or regulations apropos telephonic depositions.  These states crave the witness to be sworn in while in the same room as the court reporter or a notary.

Equally for the other 32 states, the NCRA recommends that court reporters still do the same thing and not swear in a witness over the telephone.

While technically the lawyers could stipulate to swearing the witness in over the phone, in this case y'all need iii to tango (two lawyers and a court report), and some Courtroom reporters might feel it is a violation of their ethic to do so, and non take the deposition.

Can I Depose A Witness With Skype Or Mobile Videoconferencing

If you demand to depose a witness remotely, skype or other mobile videoconferencing provides another option.  Video conferencing (and recording) gives you the opportunity to examine the witness while viewing the witness visually.  This also allows the recording of the witness then the Jury tin see everything in the future.

All the same, with both telephonic and mobile video depositions yous volition need to have a plan for the reviewing and marking of exhibits.   In that location are companies similar e-depoze that have software packages that enable real fourth dimension use of exhibits through i-pads and tablets.

What Questions Are Fair Game?

Before y'all enter a degradation you need to know what questioning is fair game, and what question is improper.

"Relevant Information Demand Not Be Admissible At The Trial Of The Discovery Appears Reasonably Calculated To Pb To The Discovery Of Admissible Evidence"

Depositions are a discovery devise.  If the question asked might reasonably lead to the discovery of admissible prove, then the question is fair game!

Generally speaking, the rules of show generally limit the use of data at trial, not the acquisition of the data at deposition.

Defending The Deposition:  How Do I Fix My Witness?

If possible, you demand to meet with your witness before the degradation. Every bit an abet, it is important that your witness is thoroughly prepared for the deposition. Equally a advisor (assuming the witness is your customer) you want to help put your client at ease and feel comfortable about a scary event.

Every lawyer has his or her own "rules" that they give the customer, but they all have pretty much say the same thing:

  • Be brusque and sugariness
  • Exist Honest
  • Think before you answer
  • Keep Calm and be respectful

So set your meeting with your customer and explicate to them what they will expect.  Make certain any relevant affidavits, interrogatories, or documents produced by your client are  bachelor.  Leave your customer in the conference room and let him get over all the documents that he might be impeached with the side by side day.  And go over the rules with your client.

Can I Seek A Protective Order?

If y'all are defending a deposition and you recollect the opposing attorney has crossed the line, you need to terminate the questioning and seek a protective order from the Guess assigned to the instance.

Even so,  the Judge volition simply grant your request for a protective order if you tin show annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense on a party.

If you do move for a protective lodge and you lose, your client might be on the claw for costs, but simply if your motion was unreasonable.

Note that at least one Federal Court Decision out of Alabama stated that excluding a witness from a deposition considering the witness would be exposed to the deponent's deposition testimony leading to collusion or testimony fabrication did not justify the granting of a protective Order.

Can I Instruct The Witness Not To Reply?

An attorney has no right to instruct a third party witness, peculiarly an skilful witness, to not answer a question. An chaser tin instruct his or her ain witness non to answer a question only on the ground of invoking a privilege.

What Are My Proper Objections?

In that location are only iii proper objections in a deposition:

Deposition Objections


You can object to the relevancy of a line of questions.  Sometimes, opposing counsel is just "badgering"the witness, or wasting time. You can object to the relevance of the question.  But call up: relevancy at a degradation is anything that is reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence.  That's a pretty low standard!


You can object to the form of a question in degradation.

For certain form questions, if you exercise not objection at the deposition, it is waived at future hearings.  So speak at present, or forever agree your objection.

An Attorney objecting to the form of a question is asking the other attorney to clarify a specific indicate. Common examples of objections as to form include: lack of hallmark,  chemical compound, asked and answered, ambiguous then object to the form of the question.

Leading is besides an objection to class, simply this does non apply to hostile witnesses. In most jurisdictions, you  only say the following: "Objection. Form".

Other jurisdictions will desire you to clarify the type of form objection, so yous would say, "Objection. Form. Compound". In whatever case, don't be a goon and constitutional speaking objections (see beneath).


Finally, y'all can object for privilege and aid your customer invoke the privilege.  This is also the only time y'all can in anyhow instruct your witness not to respond.  Exercise and so not by stating , "I am instructing my client to non answer!", but by stating (or having your client state), "I am invoking my XX privilege. Be certain to check your State'due south evidence rules for all privileges, merely the ii biggies are the 5th Subpoena and the Chaser-Client privilege.

Even If I Can Objection, Should I Object?

The key consideration of whether y'all should object or not is if you waive any objection at trial by not opening your mouth at the deposition.

"An Objection To The Grade Of The Question Is Waived Unless Made During The Objection

If you fail to object to the form of the question or answers, the oath or affidavit of the witness, or the bear of the party at the deposition, then yous waive the same objection in a time to come trial. In effect, if the improper statements could be corrected on the spot, and so you demand to object on the spot, or the Court will figure you exercise not care and waive the future objection. Objections, such every bit hearsay, competency of the witness, ect. ect., are not waived, and are preserved until the trial.

Prosecuting The Objection:  Can I Employ Leading Questions?

As a deposition is a discovery device, we should e'er ask open up ended questions, right? Not exactly. When examining hostile witnesses (ie. almost witnesses you are deposing equally the deposition is compelled), in that location is certainly a time and place for the open up ended discovery questions in a depositions ("And and then what happened? And and then what happened?).

"Traditional Degradation Methods Employing Only Open-Concluded Questions Exercise Not Train Well Or Produce The About Usable Results"

-Cross Examination, Science and Techniques, Posner & Dodd

Just be prepared to utilise leading questions in the deposition to build your case. You tin can specifically use leading questions:

  1. To establish the facts y'all want to use at trial: You want to come out of the deposition of an adverse witness witness with straight, specific answers. This will allow you lot to better prepare for trial or subsequent settlement negotiations. Yous don't want to exist reviewing that muddle mush of a degradation prior to trial and say, "I can't utilise this!".
  2. To Teach the Witness How to Bear: The deposition is often the witnesses first crack at the litigation game. Teach them early on how to bear, and you can reap rewards at the trial. Criminal defence lawyers volition regale others with stories of cops who were scolded soundly at a deposition, hearing, or trial, and was e'er "obedient" with that chaser at every trial thereafter.
  3. To Teach Yourself Cantankerous-Examination: The reality is that lawyers today will sit in many many more than hours of depositions than trials. Only great cross-examination takes practice. Work on your cross examination skills during your depositions!

Any Tips On Handling An Unresponsive Witness?

The unresponsive witness is a hostile witness.

You need to teach the witness how to carry. Consider using the following tactics:

If the Witness does not answer your leading question, ask over again exactly the same mode, only much more slowly.

Q. "Ms. Jones, you lot signed under oath this 2012 revenue enhancement render"

A.  "I don't really know documents you lot are talking near. I have seen so many document today"

Q. (Very slowly)"Ms. Jones, you signed nether oath this 2012 tax render" (Repeated question. It has not been answered accordingly)

ASK, Echo. Opposite

This builds on the technique above.  Betoken out the silliness in the witness by asking the reverse question.

Q. "Ms. Jones, you signed under oath this 2012 tax return"

A.  "I don't really know documents you are talking about. I take seen so many document today"

Q. "Ms. Jones, you lot signed under oath this 2012 tax return" (Repeated question. It has not been answered appropriately)

A. " Blah Blah Blah"

Q.  (Very slowly) "Ms. Jones, you did not sign under oath this 2012 taxation render?"

A.  " No, no I didn't say that"

Q. Then you did sign this tax return"


Q.  " You had a glass of whiskey earlier the fight began"

Sometimes the witness merely sucks.  The witness is despicable, and insists on being unresponsive during your deposition.

In such a case, use the torso turn.

When the Witness rambles uncontrollable, slowly turn your torso away from the witness.  Don't stop the witness from rambling, merely turn your trunk.  The issue is amazing.

Like the the body plough, there is a time and a place for the hand stop.

When the witness is wholly unresponsive, put your manus out similar a crossing baby-sit.

What Well-nigh The Objecting Opposing Counsel?

Speaking Objections:  Way too oft Attorneys make improper speaking objections throughout their witnesses' deposition.  Speaking objections are an attempt to influence the testimony of the witness, to throw off the game of the questioning attorney, or both.

"Lawyers Are Prohibited From Making Comments On And Off The Tape Which May Limit A Witness's Ability To Answer An Appropriate Question:

-Hall v. Clifton Precision, 150 F.R.D. 525 (E.D. Pa. 1993).

Speaking objections and other attempts to jitney the witness are improper and subject for sanctions.

If the other attorney is beingness a wiggle, be sure to:

1.  Object and point out the behavior on the record: Remember to preserve your objection on the tape.  If the attorneys behavior includes physical or inaudible cues, you volition need to articulate information technology for the Court reporter and the written record.

ii.  Go off the record and demand the offending attorney stop acting similar a jerk.  Many times, the attorney is only seeing what he tin get abroad with.  Show the attorney that y'all know the rules. Be firm. Let him know that if you accept to stop the deposition, you lot will seek sanctions.

Deposition Objections

3. Terminate the deposition and seek sanctions:  If you cannot get the other chaser to act reasonable and the beliefs is affecting your ability to take the degradation, terminate the deposition without delay, and set a Motion to Compel or Motility for Sanctions without delay.

Exist sure to seek attorneys fees for the wasted deposition and motion needed to become a fair deposition.  Judges have fiddling patience with jerk attorneys who intentionally frustrate the discovery process.

Should I Order The Transcript?

Know if you are going to be ordering the depositions.  If you are taking the deposition, information technology is your Court reporter, so y'all will decide to order or not.

Know your Court reporter. That style, you know who you are dealing with.

Y'all can social club a re-create for yourself and force opposing counsel to gild a re-create for themselves.

Alternatively, you can both order a copy and concur to give copies to each other. The Court Reporter is under no obligation to give both parties a copy of the deposition unless ordered by both parties, but there is zip stopping the parties to do it among themselves.

And if money is an issue (recall domestic cases), then the Court reporter may be happier to sell two copies (or one) than none at all. Similarly, if you are filing the deposition, and then you must send a copy (or brand a copy bachelor) to the other political party.

Some attorneys mistakenly believe that they can file a deposition but strength you to buy your own copy.  The law is clear: If you file something with the clerk you demand to make information technology available to the other party.

What Is The Errata Sheet?

At the end of a witness' deposition, almost attorneys tell the witness they have the right to "review" what was written.  This is technically wrong. The witness has the right to amend, right, or supplement the deposition.  This tin can be washed on the Errata Sheet.

The witness can "waive" this right should he or she so wish.  It is up to the witness, not the attorney.

How Should I Dress At The Deposition?

Deposition Objections

Wait, you are a lawyer. That'south awesome. But y'all need to look the part.

Too many lawyers show up to depositions in jeans and polo shirts. It is unprofessional. Consider that this might be the outset (if not only) experience with the legal arrangement that the witness yous are deposing will experience.civi

Do your part to promote the perception of the lawyers every bit a professional grouping.

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Source: https://divorcehow.com/deposition-objections-cheat-sheet/

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