Being Baptized Again as an Adult


Nosotros'll answer this question, but first let's understand that water baptism plays no office in our salvation.  It is by grace solitary, through organized religion, that we are saved (Ephesians two:8).  It's not by annihilation nosotros do.  Salvation is only by what Christ has done.  We cannot add annihilation to the piece of work that He did, by dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.  Our response to Christ's piece of work is to repent (turn from sin), plow to Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation.

Salvation Baptism

 When we repent and trust in Christ'southward finished piece of work on the cross, He saves u.s.a., and we are baptized into Him by the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13  For by one Spirit are nosotros all baptized into one body…

In this baptism, we are as well given the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to comfort (John xiv:16), teach (John xiv:26), guide (John 16:xiii) and seal (Ephesians 4:30) the states.

This is the baptism of our salvation.   Once again, this is not something we practise, but something Christ does for us (John 1:33), and no water is involved.

Water Baptism

H2o baptism is a church building sacrament ( a church ceremony, or practice, that is considered holy and sacred because of its spiritual significance).  H2o baptism  varies greatly among denominations in both practice and significance.  At that place are two sacraments of baptism performed past Christians churches —(1) infant baptism or (2) youth and adult baptism (sometimes called laic'south baptism because the person makes a profession of faith).  These baptisms tin be performed by the sprinkling of water or by fractional or full immersion in water.

Baby Baptism

Many churches that practise infant baptism do so with the agreement that the baby is existence baptized into the family of believers and dedicated to the Lord.  It does not impart any forgiveness of sins, since only Jesus can forgive sins, and only His claret tin launder us clean (Revelation ane:5).

In this type of dedication or infant baptism, both the parents and the congregation affirm their trust in Christ equally Saviour and commit to raising the child in the Lord's will and His ways.  Every bit the child grows and matures, the child still must repent and trust in Christ to receive forgiveness of sins and be saved by Him.  The historic period, or level of maturity, at which a child can come to Christ will vary (Read more about the age of accountability), just with sound biblical teachings, even immature children can empathize the gospel, answer to it and be saved past Jesus.

When salvation is received, past someone baptized as an babe, they are called in Scripture to make a public profession.  Churches that practice the sacrament of infant baptism also have the sacrament of confirmation.  In confirmation, a believer confirms the vows fabricated by their parents on their behalf and publicly professes their faith and trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Baptism of Youth and Adults

Other denominations wait until a kid is old plenty, or mature enough, to sympathize their sin and the gospel of saving grace (the historic period of accountability).  One time someone has repented and trusted in Jesus, and been saved by Him, they then brand a public profession of faith in baptism.  This is often done by total immersion into h2o.

By outward appearances, full immersion baptism is like to the baptism do of John the Baptist.  Nonetheless, information technology is very dissimilar in meaning.  John the Baptist used water to baptize unto repentance (Matthew 3:ten).  It was a baptism of purification based on the confession of sins (Matthew iii:vi).  It was not forgiveness of sins since John did not have the power to forgive sins.  Just God can forgive sins and it is received by trusting in Jesus and being washed by His claret, non water.

Revelation 1:5  And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the world. Unto him that loved united states, and washed us from our sins in his own blood .

The Bible is clear, water baptism is non necessary for salvation.  Still, there are some churches that would disagree.  Search the Scriptures.  It is but by Jesus that we are saved (Romans 5:9, Acts 4:12).

If Baptized as an Baby, and Afterward Confirmed, Do I Demand to Be Re-baptized?

NO.  If h2o baptism is necessary for salvation, then the Lord erred when the thief on the cantankerous trusted in Him and Jesus promised, "Assuredly [truly], I say to you lot, today you will be with Me in Paradise."  Luke 23:43

We know that the Lord did not err.  His words are true and His words to the thief were a promise of salvation– still the thief on the cross was not baptized.  The thief on the cantankerous did the but thing that is necessary for salvation. He called out to Jesus in trusting faith, knowing that Jesus is the Lord and He has the power to bring people into His kingdom.

So if you were baptized as an baby, and later confirmed, you don't NEED to be re-baptized.  In confirmation, you made a public profession of your salvation.  Nevertheless, if you wish to be baptized again, or your church requires it for membership, you should certainly practice so.  Testifying publicly to what Jesus has done for you lot, and in you, is always a beautiful matter.  Information technology glorifies God and reminds anybody who witnesses your profession of the riches that God has already imparted to y'all when He saved you.

If Water Baptism Is Not Necessary for Salvation, Should It be Eliminated?

Absolutely not!  While water baptism has no saving power, it does have sanctifying benefits.  H2o baptism is a public profession of God's mercy and grace, whether it'due south past assertive parents and congregants who vow to raise a child in the knowledge of the Lord, or as a personal profession by a redeemed sinner who has been saved by the grace of God.

I do non want to exist misunderstood on this, and so let me clarify.  Although there may beno demand to exist water baptized, information technology is a cute sacrament and should be proficient.  If one was baptized as an babe, they must understand that they  should make a public profession when Jesus saves them.  This can be washed in confirmation or water baptism. If one was not h2o baptized equally an infant, they should exist baptized.  However the sacrament is skilful, it is a beautiful testimony that proclaims the mercy and grace of God and His goodness in saving sinners.

Do Not Permit This Be Divisive

Diverse churches and denominations accept different views on what water baptism signifies and how it should exist practiced.  I encourage y'all, DO NOT let this doctrine become divisive among believers.  Search the Scriptures for your understanding.  Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will reveal all truth.

The Bible is clear that we are to profess with our mouth that which nosotros believe in our hearts (Romans ten:9-10), so be ready to practice so.  Share the saving grace of Jesus with others, past telling of what He has done for yous and what He desires to do for all people.



An email was received suggesting this is putting infant baptism "on par" with believer'southward baptism.  That is not the case.

Babe baptism could be considered similar to infant dedication. It has no saving power. Confirmation could be considered similar to believer'south baptism in that they are both are a profession of faith and that the person has been saved by Jesus by grace solitary.

Call up, the question was whether water baptism is NEEDED.  We cannot say that someone who was baptized as an baby, has been saved by Jesus, made a profession of faith, simply was never immersed in water baptism, NEEDS to be baptized.

The point of this article is that the h2o of baptism does not save anyone. Simply the baptism (washing) in Jesus' blood (Rev 1:5) has saving power.  But don't hear me wrong.  Laic'due south baptism is a beautiful fashion to proclaim the gift of salvation and information technology is to be commended.  Some churches require it, just others do not.  And, we should non let this exist divisive.

Jesus prayed for unity in the Church, not for uniformity.  According to your church's tradition, tell the earth of what Jesus has washed in saving y'all…and so never terminate telling people.  Especially tell those who do not know Jesus. Tell them that Jesus loves them and offers forgiveness for their sins and new life in Him.  To Him exist the glory!


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